Terms and Conditions

Unless the subject matter or context of the stipulation at issue is inconsistent therewith, the following definitions apply to these “Terms and Conditions”:
1.1. «COMPANY» means the person or legal entity registering with the Bus Carriers Federation’s site. A bus carrier, whatever the category, a retail or receptive agency, an association or organization such as «Association touristique régionale» (ATR) and «Association touristique sectorielle» (ATS), a tourism provider, a transportation service, a sightseeing tour, the «Organisme régional de transport adapté» (OTA), the «Organisme régional de transport collectif» or a bus station.
1.2. «USER» means the person using the services available on the Bus Carriers Federation’s site to look at the information that is available for their personal use or for commercial use.
The COMPANY agrees to send to the BUS CARRIERS FEDERATION, hereafter referred to as the “FEDERATION,” up-to-date information about the COMPANY, as required upon registration, and to forward to the FEDERATION any change that could be made to the information as soon as practicable.
The COMPANY declares that it has been duly and legally authorized to operate and offer the services it will provide via the FEDERATION’s website.
The COMPANY declares that it is holding all authorizations required to operate its business, and declares that these authorizations will remain in effect for the entire time the COMPANY will be providing services via the FEDERATION. To that effect, the COMPANY agrees to inform the FEDERATION, in a timely manner, regarding any changes related to its operation authorizations.
The COMPANY agrees to abide by all laws and regulations related to transportation and/or tourism and/or type of services it provides.
The COMPANY must be a member of the FEDERATION to register with the FEDERATION’s site. In this case, the COMPANY must always keep its registration updated. Failure to do so will enable the FEDERATION to unilaterally cancel the COMPANY’s registration with its website and remove any reference to the COMPANY on the FEDERATION’s site, without further notice, delay or compensation.
Furthermore, the COMPANY agrees to abide by any code of ethics that the FEDERATION may adopt. The COMPANY’s registration is not transferable or assignable to third parties, in any form whatsoever, without the prior written permission of the FEDERATION.
The COMPANY agrees to abide by the Privacy Policy posted by the FEDERATION and including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, not making the information about people seeking its services public and not keeping as databases the names and contact information of users from the FEDERATION’s site that would have access to its services, unless with the express consent of the user to this effect.
The FEDERATION reserves the right to refuse any company that has registered via the FEDERATION website or to cancel, terminate or modify the registration of an already registered company, after having notified the company, and this, without compensation.