Member Services

The Bus Carriers Federation provides many services to its members, both for their businesses and the bus transportation industry.
Consulting, Representations & Watch
Consulting Services
- Legal advice: Related to bus transportation laws applicable in Quebec.
- Human resources: Hiring, training, recruitment, job retention, pay equity, employment contract, staff management, etc.
- Working relationship: Conflict, representation before administrative tribunals, negotiation of a collective agreement, etc.
- Employment injury claims management: Workers' Compensation Act, occupational illnesses, etc.
- Crisis management
Government Representations
The Bus Carriers Federation is representing private businesses within the bus transportation industry that are members of the Departments of Transport, Tourism and Education, Recreation and Sports concerning the bus transportation industry issues for all sectors.
Strategic and Regulatory Watch
The stand-by staff proceeds with a daily strategic and regulatory watch on all business lines of the Federation's members.
Group Purchasing
Members have purchasing power enabling them to save. The Federation negotiates low prices for products and services that can be customized on behalf of the carrier:
- Pre-departure checklist log
- Driving time log
- Charter transportation contract
- Children Travelling Alone form
- Sentinel project (program for the supervision of children in school buses)
Keep up-to-date on bus transportation industry news via:
- Le Transporteur - Magazine of the Bus Carriers Federation, published four times a year;
- Le Transporteur Express - Monthly infoletter informing members on issues related to the bus transportation industry;
- Press review - About all business lines of the Federation members. It is forwarded via email every week;
- Transport Commission notifications - Members receive notifications from the Quebec Transport Commission on a weekly basis.
Several Events
The members of the Bus Carriers Federation may participate in annual activities during which they form business relationships, as well as attend training sessions and specific conferences on the bus transportation industry:
- Convention (June)
- Golf tournament (June)
- Provincial councils - twice a year, in the spring and fall
- Bienvenue Québec (October)
School Transportation Safety Annual Campaign
For two weeks in February, all over Quebec, school transportation safety is brought to the fore in order to remind car drivers, parents and students of the importance of adopting safe behaviours on board and in the presence of school buses.
Contract Performance
School Transportation Contract Performance Guarantee
The Federation provides its members with a school transportation contract performance guarantee program at a competitive rate.
Fleet Insurance
Federation members may benefit from an insurance program for all company-owned vehicles.
Group Insurance Program
The Federation provides its members with quality consulting services on group insurance, as well as an exclusive group insurance program with an insurer.
Prevention Mutual
The Bus Carriers Federation helps its members manage occupational health and safety by providing them with all required services (prevention, legal advice, medical expertise, and administrative monitoring).
The Prevention Mutual is a business combination aimed at pooling occupational health and safety risks. It provides the opportunity to take advantage of significant rebates on CNESST contributions given the group's good performance. The Prevention Mutual is also a way to stabilize these contributions against bad claims or changes made to the CNESST's funding.
Only qualifying Federation members may subscribe to the Bus Carriers Prevention Mutual.
Services provided to subscribers
- Employment injury file receipt, analysis, and follow-up;
- Analysis and recommendations on the opportunity to contest a CNESST or DRA (administrative review branch);
- Representations for the carrier during disputes before the CNESST and higher courts;
- Safety practitioner visit at the workplace;
- Assistance during injury investigations;
- Monitoring and control of a worker's time away from work;
- Medical inspection and obtaining the required medical expertise;
- Actuarial statements of performance customized to the business;
- Newsletters.
Obligations of the subscriber
- Develop a prevention program suited to the risks of the business with the tools provided by the Mutual and the help of a safety practitioner;
- Update and apply this program;
- Report any occupational injury or disease to the Mutual within 48 hours;
- Send all documents received from the CNESST associated with a worker's claim to the Mutual;
- Work on litigation files with the Mutual, if applicable.
How to subscribe?
Make your intentions known to the Federation before August 31st of each year. Complete, sign, and submit the originals of three documents provided by the Mutual:
- "Employer Authorization to Access Files"
- "Directors' Resolution Excerpt"
- "Service Contract" between the Mutual and the subscriber
In such cases where the business is part of another mutual, submit a letter confirming that the business is withdrawing from this mutual to subscribe to the Bus Carriers Federation's mutual.
The Prevention Mutual will complete, no charge, an eligibility study of the subscriber's records. The definitive list of subscribers in January of the following year will be forwarded to the CNESST every year at the end of September. Subscription to the Prevention Mutual is renewable annually.
Management fees
To subscribe to the Federation's Prevention Mutual and enjoy the services of a consulting team, fees are charged. Basic fees are payable on the first year of subscription only, while yearly management fees are set based on the subscriber's payroll. These management fees are reassessed annually.
legal info
The OMS is a directory of documents on a carrier's operations management systems. Created exclusively for the members of the Federation, the OMS includes relevant information on the carriers' legislative and regulatory obligations. It also includes a section entirely devoted to the management of An Act Respecting Owners, Operators and Drivers of Heavy Vehicles.